¡Aquí están!
El día 12 de marzo, la enana y yo plantamos orégano, albahaca, tomillo y romero (resulta que el perejil y la cebolleta no pueden plantarse en maceta, según el paquete, ¡qué fallo!)
Seguiremos informando.
(...y la de los míos)
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4 comentarios:
viernes, 26 marzo, 2010
Yes, well, we all know the "Tragedy of the Lost Geraniums". It's been translated into several languages in epic poem form and is required reading at many schools.
But this crop is looking good. :-)
I don't understand the problem with the parsley and chives, though. They're fine growing in containers, or at least their American cousins are. Parsely just needs to be well-watered and well-drained, and chives take a long time to get started, but once they're established, they're fine. You might want to go ahead and plant them anyway....
sábado, 27 marzo, 2010
So that you know, not all geraniums died ("only"6 of them)...
I'll go ahead and plant parsley and chives, then. I guess with the masters do around the corner,so to speak, your backyard isn't in its best moment. Which reminds me, say hi to my friends the squirrels for me.
sábado, 27 marzo, 2010
Ah, well, ok. It wasn't a total geranium massacre then. That's good.
No, my backyard resembles the unexcavated Mayan ruins I saw in Mexico -- some unidentifiable lumps covered with dead leaves and who-knows-what. Mostly who-know-what. But it's ok -- it's a little early to be planting here anyway since last night was about 5º below freezing. The squirrels went to a hotel for the weekend....
domingo, 28 marzo, 2010
My poor friends the squirrels! No wonder, if you don't feed them anymore with fresh plants and flowers...
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